Data: 15/10/2014 a 16/10/2014 - 08:00 - 18:00
Local: Faculdade de Saúde Pública - USP
Maior e mais importante evento já realizado no Brasil sobre a utilização de efluentes para produção de água potável
Tradução simultânea Português ↔ Inglês durante todo o evento
Programação – Brasil:
Prof. Pedro Mancuso
Graduação em Engenharia Industrial Modalidade Química pela Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial da Universidade Católica (1971), mestrado em Saúde Pública pela Universidade de São Paulo (1989) e doutorado em Saúde Pública pela Universidade de São Paulo (1992). Atualmente é Professor Sênior da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo e Diretor Administrativo do Centro de Apoio à Faculdade de Saúde Pública/USP. É Assistente Técnico do Promotor de Justiça de Meio Ambiente do Ministério Público da Capital.
Prof. Ivanildo Hespanhol
Graduação em Engenharia Civil (1961) e em Engenharia Sanitária (1968) pela Universidade de São Paulo, mestrado em Engenharia Sanitária pela University of California, Berkeley, (1972), doutorado em Engenharia Sanitária pela University of California, Berkeley, (1975) e doutorado em Saúde Pública pela Universidade de São Paulo (1968). Professor titular da Universidade de São Paulo e Diretor do Centro Internacional de Referência em Reúso de Água CIRRA/IRCWR, da Universidade de São Paulo.
Prof. Gesner de Oliveira
Doutor em economia pela Universidade da Califórnia, Berkeley, Mestre em economia pelo Instituto de Economia da Unicamp e Bacharel em economia pela Faculdade de Economia e Administração da Universidade de São Paulo. Foi presidente do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica – CADE, secretário interino de acompanhamento econômico do Ministério da Fazenda e secretário adjunto da Secretaria de Política Econômica do Ministério da
Fazenda. Foi presidente da SABESP de 2007 a 2010.
Dr. Alceu Guerios Bittencourt
Presidente da ABES - São Paulo e especialista em planejamento de recursos hídricos
Profa. Roseane Maria Garcia Lopes de Souza
Graduação em Engenharia Sanitária (1985) com especialização em Perícia e Auditoria Ambiental com o tema “Princípios e Métodos Utilizados na Elaboração de um Plano de Segurança em Sistemas de Abastecimento de Água para Consumo Humano”, pelo INPE-Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (2005). Especialização em Engenharia Ambiental pela USP (1986)
Programação Internacional :
Petia Mijaylova Nacheva
Curriculum: She is Researcher of the Department of Wastewater Treatment in the Mexican Institute of Water Technology and Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Engineering of the Mexican National Autonomous University (Environmental Engineering). She received a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Sofia (Bulgaria) and Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences (Environmental Engineering) from the University of Moscow (Russia). Her research interests are in the areas of wastewater treatment, reuse and recycling, biological and advanced treatment systems, nutrient removal, small wastewater treatment systems for decentralized water management, water reclamation and technology for removal of emerging contaminants. She has authored over 160 technical publications on wastewater treatment and reuse. She is a member of Mexican Academy of Science, Engineering Academy of Mexico, National Research Association and Mexican Association of Engineering, Science and Environmental Management.
Tema: Direct and Indirect Potable Reuse
Michael Robert Markus
Curriculum :
General manager of the Orange County Water District. With more than 35 years of experience, Mike is well known for his expertise in large project implementation and water resource management. During his 26-year career at the District, Mike was responsible for managing the implementation of the $480 million Groundwater Replenishment System program. This project is the largest planned indirect potable reuse project in the world and has won many awards including the 2008 Stockholm Industry Water Award, 2009 ASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award, 2014 U.S. Water Prize and 2014 Lee Kuan Yew Prize.
Tema 01: Groundwater Replenishment: Orange County Water District's Experience.
Tema 02: The Role of Monitoring in Public Health Protection.
Josef Lahnsteiner
Curriculum : MSc and PhD in Biotechnology from the Vienna University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences. Since nearly thirty years, he has been involved in a wide range of water and wastewater projects. Currently, He is the Director of Technology, Research & Development of VA TECH WABAG. He is a member of the Windhoek / Goreangab Potable Research Committee and Board Member of de Windhoek / Ujams Industrial Wastewater Reclamation Company. He is also a member of the IWA Water Reuse Specialist Group’s Management Committee and he is an expert in the fields of industrial, urban and potable water reclamation.
Tema: Potable Reuse in Windhoek – Namibia.
Ellen Thomas McDonald
Curriculum : She is a principal at Alan Plummer Associates where she leads the water resources group. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Bucknell University and a Master of Science and Ph.D. in Water Resources Engineering from Stanford University. Ellen has more than 25 years of experience in the areas of water resources planning, water reuse, water quality modeling and water and wastewater system modeling and planning. Through her work at Alan Plummer Associates, Ellen has assisted a number of cities and water districts in the planning, development and implementation of water reuse projects, relating to both direct and indirect reuse. Ellen is a frequent presenter on water reuse issues and currently serves as president of the Texas section of the WateReuse Association.
Tema: Status of Direct Potable Reuse - Initiatives in Texas.
George Tchobanoglous
Curriculum : Professor Emeritus in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Davis. His research interests are in the areas of wastewater treatment, water reuse, small and decentralized systems, and solid waste management. He has authored or co-authored over 500 technical publications including 22 textbooks and 8 reference works. He has given more than 600 technical presentations, both in the United States and abroad. He is a Past President of the Association of Environmental Engineers and Science Professors. Among his many honors, in 2003 he received the Clarke Prize from the National Water Research Institute. In 2004, he was also inducted into the National Academy of Engineering. In 2005, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. In 2007, he received the Frederick George Pohland Medal. In 2013 he was the AAEE and AEESP Kappe Lecturer. His degrees include a B.S. degree in civil engineering from the University of the Pacific, an M.S. degree in sanitary engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, and a Ph.D. in environmental engineering from Stanford University.
Tema : Direct Potable Reuse - A Progress Report
Ian Leonard Pepper
Curriculum : Professor at the University of Arizona, Director of the University of Arizona, National Science Foundation Water & Environmental Technology Center (WET), and Co-Director of the new Water and Energy Sustainable Technology Center known as WEST. He is an environmental microbiologist whose research has focused on the fate and transport of pathogens in air, water, soils and wastes. More recently he has developed the University of Arizona, Real-Time Sensor Laboratory. His expertise has been recognized by membership on six National Academy of Science Committees. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Microbiology, the Soil Science Society of America, and the American Society of Agronomy. He is also a Board Certified Environmental Scientist within the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists. He is the author or co-author of eight textbooks; 40 book chapters; and over 160 peer-review journal articles.
Tema: Monitoring for Reliability and Process Control of Potable Reuse Applications
James Crook
Curriculum : Environmental engineering consultant with more than 40 years of experience in state government and consulting engineering arenas serving public and private sectors in the United States and abroad. He is an internationally-recognized expert in the area of water reclamation and reuse and has been involved in numerous projects and research activities involving public health, regulatory and permitting issues, risk assessment, and treatment technology. He currently serves on the American Water Works Association, International Water Association, and Water Environment Federation Water Reuse Committees. He is Civil Engineering from the University of Massachusetts and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from the University of Cincinnati. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in California and Florida.
Tema: California Regulatory Setting for Potable Reuse and Reservoir Augmentation
Investimento: R$ 780,00 ( Setecentos e oitenta reais )
Formas de Pagamento: boleto bancário e Cartão de crédito
INSCREVA-SE JÁ, vagas limitadas!
Realização: Portal Tratamento de Água, Faculdade Saúde Pública (USP)
Apoio: AIDIS, AESABESP, ADI, GE, Revista Pollution Engineering, Hiria, Fundação Proamb, ABNT, Ecosan, ASEC, Cirra.
Mais informações:
Telefones: (11) 3473-1207 / (11) 9 8664-8033
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